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Why I put all my teaching videos on YouTube

At the beginning of the semester, a colleague asked me if I’d share my thoughts on the best place for hosting video content for teaching and learning with someone new to his team. I thought my response might be useful for others, too, so I’m sharing it...

Premium web services worth paying for

I’m always looking for ways to do things more efficiently and I thought I’d share some of my productivity ninja tips in a series of blog posts. Here’s the first! I use about a bajillion different web services in my teaching, and I pay for premium...

Periscope for live broadcasting classes

Last night I had a colleague Chris Willems come along to my class to run a workshop on talking to camera. In these workshops, Chris does an exercise where he gets students to stand up in front of an iPhone and talk to camera on a random topic that he gives you...

Using Facebook groups as discussion spaces

Last week I ran an online workshop on designing for blended learning and there was some interest in how we use Facebook groups for discussion forums. I offered to share the content we use to introduce students to how we use Facebook, as well as some info on my...

Using Storify to curate learning resources

This year, I’ve started using Storify to curate my learning resources each week. In this playlist, I give an overview of why I use Storify and how I do it. The first video provides an overview while the second runs through the nitty gritty of creating stories. A...